Personal Effectiveness
This course is for staff who want to maximise their potential, make best use of their natural talents, and develop their motivation. It is particularly suitable for people who are keen to develop themselves within their current roles or who are thinking about applying for promotion.
This course helps participants to:
Increase their self-awareness and explore ways in which they can get more out of their job
Build their confidence by identifying their areas of 'unconscious competence' - the strengths which they take for granted
Identify specific things they can do to command respect from, and give respect to, colleagues and service users
Develop their understanding of how they can exert more influence over their working environment and career development
Case Study - Building Confidence
The acid test of any training course is whether delegates are able to apply the skills and knowledge back in the workplace. An NHS organisation commissions me to deliver a regular 'Personal Effectiveness' workshop. Ten weeks after the last workshop (held in February 2010) a follow-up survey found that:
100% of respondants reported that they were more effective in their roles, and felt more confident, as a result of the course.
100% of respondants said that they would recommend the course to colleagues.
One participant commented: "I am much more confident when I meet with the directors I support and am very much more aware of my body language and how that can be perceived." Another reported that "I think this is a very good course for people to analyse their behaviours and how they interact with others in the working enviornment, we were given different strategies to change or improve our behaviour if needed."
"Brilliant day." October 2015
"Excellent course, one of the best I've been on." October 2015
"Excellent speaker, made the presentation and activities relevant, enjoyable and interactive." September 2015
"Brilliant afternoon." September 2015
"Thoroughly enjoyable, really interesting. The hours flew by. Pete was excellent." September 2015
"Really helpful." September 2015
"Relaxed and great presenter." September 2015
"This is the best course I have been on . Everyone should be on this training." July 2015
"First class trainer." July 2015
"The Personal Effectiveness was incredible." September 2014
"Loved Pete English. Best Personal Effectivness I have been involved in." September 2014
"The Personal Effectiveness talk was excellent!" September 2014
"Brilliant course. Would certainly recommend." June 2014
"Opened my eyes to what goes on in my workplace." June 2014
"Very useful. Lots of tips to practice to gain confidence." June 2013
"It was brilliant. I learnt practical things and it has given me the opportunity to examine myself." June 2013
"Excellent course. Happy I learned so much about myself. Excellent trainer." June 2013
"Thank you - enjoyable, stimulating and interactive. Nice to hear 'true' stories and lots of examples to help us understand/relate to the content of the training." June 2013
"Enthusiastic presenter with good sense of humour. Very dynamic." June 2013
"I feel I have gained great insight into being more effective. I shall be sending my team!" March 2012
"All of it was very useful. Very informative, excellent training. Best training that I have ever attended." March 2012
"Overall, great course" March 2010
"I like Peter's evaluation of me it made me smile as well as opened my eyes" March 2010
"I thought the course and tutor were excellent, and recommended the course to other team members. It was interactive and gave you a chance to explain your role and anything you wanted to discuss with the tutor or group and gaining advice from this." February 2010
"Speaker was engaging and informative - delivered wonderfully" February 2010
"Well taught: Tutor was well-balanced in approach: receptive, analytical, empathic without 'overdoing it'. A very natural approach" February 2010
"Great trainer" February 2010
"Excellent course and very useful" January 2010
"I enjoyed the course very much" January 2010
"Found it really useful. Lots of real life examples and solutions" January 2010
"Very useful informative opportunity to reflect on self which often is limited. Style of facilitation excellent" June 2009
"Very interesting and enjoyable" June 2009
"This course should be mandatory for all staff. It'll really help improve work relationships" June 2009
"Wonderful" June 2009