I specialise in helping individuals steer a path through change. This often includes:
Exploring career and life options.
Sharpening up a CV, or writing one from scratch.
Developing stronger interview and presentation skills.
Most people don't feel entirely confident about their CV and their interview skills. I help individuals to identify their strengths, and find a natural way of talking about them.
I am the author of Succeeding At Interviews, available from
How It Works
I have a clear confidentiality agreement with each client. We agree at the outset that the information that they share during the sessions will remain confidential, including the fact that they have undertaken coaching with me.
If you need help with your CV, I offer two approaches:
I can give you clear and specific feedback on your existing CV, and how you could improve it.
I can meet with you to explore your career history, strengths and achievements. I will then help you to incorporate these into your CV, or if you prefer, produce a full CV for you.
When clients approach me for help with their interview skills, I offer an intensive session which gives them an opportunity to develop their confidence and receive feedback on how they are likely to be perceived by interviewers.
Often clients approach me because they have been offered an interview and they want a some help with their preparation and the opportunity to undertake a 'dry run'.
Previous Clients
My clients include:
An Acute Trust Medical Director
A Local Authority Children's Services Manager
An education sector Human Resources Manager
An NHS Associate Director
A voluntary sector manager
The Finance Director of a large aggregates company
The Chief Executive of a voluntary organisation